Cambridge Arts Council gallery (in the City Hall Annex)
Through the Annex lobby...
Meandering round a gap in the railings.
A loop through Out of the Blue Gallery
Some people just don't notice!
Oh, and just to clarify: I am not yet back in the country of my birth - the post below is an old one from when I got back from Japan a year and a bit ago! Back on Wednesday.
Friday, 21 September 2007
Here are the pictures you've all no doubt been waiting for!
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Friday, 7 September 2007
Thank you Cambridge Chronicle!
This article appeared on the front page!
Just a heads up to anyone hoping to catch me out on Saturday morning - I will indeed be starting at 8.30 am, (near the corner of Prospect Street and Bishop Allen Drive) but have to work from 12. So will take a break from 11:30, and hopefully be back on the streets at 3:30.
And yes, my legs are still aching.
And I'll be out on Sunday from noon (again).
I'll keep y'all posted!
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Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Please Note Change of Schedule!
The Trial Run is complete. Wow. What a day I had on Sunday! I have discovered that the process of laying down and picking up the spoons is physically grueling and takes aaaaages! It took 6 hours to get from City Hall Annex to a point on Prospect Street opposite Carberry's (between Out of the Blue and Art Interactive) Rather than doing the whole route each day, I have now decided to use each day as a leg of the journey. So on Saturday, I'll be starting out from Prospect Street at 8.30 am and see how it goes from there...
This morning I had an interview with the Cambridge Chronicle, so check out this week's edition!
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